A Little Craziness, A Little Update.

Writing can be so damned hard. Weaving a story can be a rollercoaster ride of split personalities. There are wonderful days; when you write a scene so poignant it gives you pause, or you blast your word count out of the water and you pat yourself on the back and drop the pen. Bam! There are bad days. Bad days that can be perfectly described as WTF x 10, and you find yourself hurling obscenities at the computer screen that will make your father proud ─ if he was a pirate. Bad days when you can’t find that one word that will make you nail a sentence and the frustration pushes you to the brink of shoving your fist through the screen of your laptop (as if it’s the laptop’s fault). And then, there are those dark days where you throw in the notepad and decide you’re done, the poor corkboard is stripped of its notes and you look at the computer as if it’s a hexenbiest. Yep! Writers can be fifty shades of crazy-but it’s a beautiful thing! All the above is ...