A Good Read and Furrsome, Magical Giveaways

How is your day going? I hope all is great! I just wanted to pop by and share about an author I discovered recently and let you know about some sweet, paranormal and fantasy giveaways that are happening as I write. I was treating myself to some paperback books late last year-they cost a bit more but I still yearn for the feel of paper in my hand-and I came across Storm Front by Jim Butcher. What a good read it was! There are some books when you read the blurb you just have a strong feeling you will enjoy the book-it was like that with The Dresden Files-Storm Front. The story centres on Harry Dresden, a wizard and private investigator (a refreshing combination) who is assisting the police with solving some brutal and mysterious murders. I loved the cast! Harry can be a badass and very resourceful, with and without spell casting but still has vulnerabilities that add depth to his character. Karrin Murphy who is in charge of the case is a sharp-tongued, no-no...