A Good Read and Furrsome, Magical Giveaways
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I just wanted to pop by and share about an author I discovered recently and let you know about some sweet, paranormal and fantasy giveaways that are happening as I write.
I was treating myself to some paperback books late last year-they cost a bit more but I still yearn for the feel of paper in my hand-and I came across Storm Front by Jim Butcher. What a good read it was! There are some books when you read the blurb you just have a strong feeling you will enjoy the book-it was like that with The Dresden Files-Storm Front. The story centres on Harry Dresden, a wizard and private investigator (a refreshing combination) who is assisting the police with solving some brutal and mysterious murders.
I loved the cast! Harry can be a badass and very resourceful, with and without spell casting but still has vulnerabilities that add depth to his character. Karrin Murphy who is in charge of the case is a sharp-tongued, no-nonsense woman but you still get a glimpse of a soft side you didn’t think would exist. And she has more cahunas than her team combined. Murphy and Harry’s relationship is the perfect example of there being a thin line between likeability and hatred. I liked the reporter who seems to be as hot for Harry as she is for a story, the bartender who speaks with incredible economy-the man conveys a lot in very little words, often just one. And Bob, who you will have to meet for yourself.
Dresden finds himself in the frying pan from the beginning of the story and literally in the midst of fire near the end. I was sad and happy when the book ended because I enjoyed the story so much I wanted more but Harry was getting himself in too much trouble for my heart to handle.
This is my first book by author Jim Butcher and it will certainly not be the last!
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Now for those giveaways; please see the links below to claim books you are interested in over at Prolific Works (formerly Instafreebie). And please share the news!

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