Yearning Fur Stripes Introduction

I hope your Friday is going great so far! 
Today I wanted to share a little update with you for my upcoming book which I can't wait to share!

The Striped Passions Series will come full circle with Yearning Fur Stripes, Book 5.
In the first book, Hot Fur Stripes, you may remember there was a string of shifter murders, where at the end of the story, a man was arrested and charged and the case appeared to have been solved. But the case isn’t closed…the real killer has not been caught.

Special agent Dana Teslyk who questioned Jasmine about Calvin Simmons’ murder, will be the heroine of this upcoming tale and she and her hunksome partner are on the hunt for an elusive shooter.
Yearning Fur Stripes is the last book in the Striped Passions Series and with this story, we end in the beginning!

Have a fabulous weekend!

D.B. Shayne

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